Sesame WorkShop Projects: 

In 2015 I started working in collaboration with children’s programming specialists Baby Octopus, creating a number of projects for Sesame Workshop and Sesame Studios.  From letter and number films and clips for Elmo’s World, to reboots of classic nursery rhymes and silly animal films. So far we've produced about 45 clips for Sesame. It's been a busy time with plenty of silliness and fun...running muffins, dancing frogs, firefighters, robots and even a little lamb exploring Sydney. They never mentioned these things at film school. The producers for Baby Octopus are children's television veterans, Diana Manson and Megan Laughton who's projects include”Sherwood”,  "Max & Ruby", "Olivia", “Peter Rabbit" and "The Mr Men Show". We are proud to have been a part of the initial launch of Sesame Studios YouTube channel in 2016 and have since clocked over 250 MILLION views on our clips. With one of our first clips “Old MacDonald” currently @ 177 MILLION views!

Sesame Street Letter & Number Films:  

R is for Robot

F is for Family

The Number 5

R is for Ramp

P Is For Painting

F is for Frog

Sesame Studios Projects

Sesame Studios is Sesame Workshop's Youtube channel. We are proud to be a part of the initial launch of the channel in 2016 and have since clocked over 250 MILLION views on our clips. 

Old MacDonald remix of a classic, part of the initial launch on Sesame Studios and now has over 177 MILLION views! 

Little Bo Peep Re-boot:  A little rouge lamb adventure around Sydney, with over 3 MILLION views!

Keep It Moving - Firetrucks:  Keep it Moving is a new series we created for Sesame Studios. Hosted by Rev, the show is all about vehicles and how they help people. Three episodes so far Sailboats, Tractors and Firetrucks.

Muffin Man Remix:  Muffin Man Remix is a pumped up dance version of the classic nursery rhyme "The Muffin Man". Turns out Muffin Man is a great guy that does random acts of kindness and great dance moves too!

Wild Clips: Penguins  Wild clips is a fun animal music series that we're doing. This Penguin clip is a new favourite with over a million views in two months... kids love it!

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes: A new wave mashup with animals too!